A terrible tragedy hit a Pakistani Hindu refugee family in Jodhpur. Lakshman Ram, his wife Soorti...
Team SNU
Our Foundation Helps Pak Hindu Refugee Open First Stationery Shop In His Colony
Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation has achieved a significant milestone by helping Dehraj Singh, a...
Brand New Smart Classroom At Kanya Gurukul Funded By Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation
Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation is thrilled to share this development. A day after Diwali, we had a...
Gaumata Suffered From A Wound That Exposes Her Bones
Our team rushed to her with a veterinarian and provided her immediate treatment
Both Legs Of Gaumata Were Broken In Accident; This is How We Rescued Her
A cow was left with both legs broken after an accident on highway
Media Coverage of Pak Hindu Refugee Girls From SNU Centre Performing at IIT Delhi
The recent participation of Pakistani Hindu refugee children and Gurukul students from Sewa Nyaya...
Calf Collapsed On Street Due To Vitamin Deficiency. We Helped
A calf collapsed and was left helpless on the street. Our Jeev Daya team acted swiftly, bringing...
We Rescued A Cow Who had Become Too Weak To Even Stand
A Gaumata in distress - too weak and sick to stand. When others passed by, our Jeev Daya team from...
Watch: Pak Hindu Refugee Kids At Our Education Centre Reciting Vedic Mantras
This is how Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation is instilling knowledge of Dharma and Sanskar in...
Manager Of SNU’s Education Centre For Pakistani Hindu Refugee Kids Gets Indian Citizenship
Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation has been running a free education centre for Pakistani Hindu refugee...
Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation Provides Rs 1 Lakh Monetary Relief To Poor Delivery Man After Tragic Murder
Bharat, a 30-year-old Flipkart delivery boy, was tragically murdered while on duty. A customer,...
Watch: Kids Getting Trained In Strength And Combat At Our Education Centre For Pak Hindu Refugees
Strength and survival are not a choice but a necessity for our kids. And who knows is better than...
Watch: Pak Hindu Refugee Kids At Our Education Centre Recite Ishwar Stuti Prarthana Upasana Mantra
Watch Pakistani Hindu refugee kids at Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation’s free education centre in...
Gaumata Rescued From Food Poisoning
Our team found a Gaumata on the streets who had fallen ill due to possible food poisoning and had...
Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation’s Gurukul Students Open IIT Delhi’s Cultural Fest with Vedic Mantras
We are thrilled to share a proud moment for Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation! Our Gurukul students had...
Testimonial: Teacher Shares Her Experience of Our Robotics Workshop for 100 Schookids
Watch school teacher Ms Madhulika share her experience of a robotics workshop conducted by Sewa...
Watch Pak Hindu Refugee Kids Being Welcomed on Stage at IIT-Delhi Cultural Fest
Watch Pakistani Hindu refugee children being invited to the stage at IIT-Delhi (Indian Institute...
Gaumata With Skin Disease Treated
This gentle cow, covered in painful spots from a skin disease, was left on the streets with...